BACK IN 1973…

A group of professional artists who have been actively exhibiting through 14 Sculptors Gallery, a non-profit tax exempt organization. In 1973, in the SoHo district of New York, 14 Sculptors first opened its doors to the public, creating a forum for experimental sculpture, free from the constraints of a commercial viewpoint.

From it's inception 14 Sculptors focused on the following objectives; To provide the opportunity to members and invited artists to exhibit original artwork (sculpture) on a regular basis; To meet regularly with other professionals for discussion and artistic exchange and: To actively stimulate dialogue between the community, the artists and critical review.

14 Sculptors evolved from a group of New York based artists. Our objectives began to expand as the membership sought to include artists and outside curators from a broader national base. Lawrence Alloway, the well-known art critic, addressed this issue in our 1983 Tenth Anniversary Exhibition-THEN & NOW catalogue, in an essay where he noted that "(all) places share equal access to information about the current art world in New York; hence the cogency and topicality of the group's work."

By the mid-eighties our membership had grown to include artists from Europe and Asia as well as artists from diverse regions of the country. Our regular meetings were supplemented by long distance communications and 14 Sculptors became increasingly involved with outreach exhibitions, e.g. (In 1988 we coordinated an exhibition of South And North American Sculptors).

14 Sculptors Gallery has become 14 Sculptors Inc., maintaining an active site on the Internet which will present the artwork and c.v.'s. of the current membership. We now look to diverse venues both within and outside the art establishment to create exhibition opportunities in keeping with our primary objectives; sustaining that window of "cogency and topicality of the group's work" while continuing our dialogue between artists and the community.